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Sign up for our BOOM Dance Classes HERE!

Tuition or Payment Agreement policy

Tuition will be paid monthly and is based on a 10-month payment schedule, September - June. Tuition payments are to be paid in full by the first of the month. After 10 days you will be charged a late fee of $25. Please note, if your tuition is more than 3 full months past due, your dancer will not be able to continue participating in classes. All tuition payments are non-refundable. We understand that there may be an occasion where you are unable to make it to class, your tuition will still be due by the First of the month. Tuition can be sent to the studio via mail and will not be considered late if postmarked before or on the first.


Payments Options

*Any and all payments made by credit card must be made online through the website. An additional 5% added to the amount being charged to cover the cost of the credit card processing fees.

*Cash or Check (Payable to Boom Dance Complex) $30.00 fee for all returned checks.





*Payments made in FULL the yearly tuition by September 12th and receive a 10% discount.

*Payments made in 2 Semi- Annual payments payable by September 12th and January 12th, and receive 5% discount. If you decide to not to continue the semi-annual payments in January no discount will be applied. If payment is not made on or by January 12th a $25.00 late fee will be applied.

*Family discounts, 25% off second child, 50% off the third child, 75% off fourth child, 100% off the fifth child and beyond. This discount does not include summer camps or team tryouts.



In the event that classes need to be canceled due to weather or circumstances out of our control, you will be notified via email, our social media sites. Please note: if your school closes due to weather you are NOT required to come to class. ALL holidays and school vacations will also apply to our studio. Please stay connected to the studio through our website and social media. Join our email list to get all important information sent to you directly. Everything will be posted in the studio office as well.


We understand that Boom Dance Complex is not responsible for any missed classes due to illness, vacation or weather and there will be no refunds. Make-up classes will be available for similar style classes and at the owner’s recommendation. Make-up classes must be made up within a month of missed class. Please contact the studio owner for recommendations.


Website (

Facebook (Boom Dance Complex)

Instagram (@Boomdancecomplex)



Whether taking one class or five classes, attendance during the dance season is crucial. If your dancer is sick and unable to attend class, please let the studio know. In the event your dancer has a minor injury, they are welcome to come and view the class or we will do our best to help modify the class to their needs. If your child is contagious, please consider the 24-hour rule before sending them to dance.



Boom Dance Complex provides an area for children to warm-up for class. All dancers should be at the studio 15 minutes prior to classes, they should warm-up, stretch, and prepare their body in our complementary area to get prepared for class.                                                                                                                                                                Unregistered children are asked not to use this area unless supervised by a staff member. None of the studio equipment is to be taken from the studio unless authorized by a staff member.

Dancers are required to wear appropriate dance attire during all classes. All classes have designated shoes listed with the class under class descriptions. Ballet dancers must wear black leotards with pink tights. All other classes can wear any non-restricting athletic clothing (leggings, shorts, tank tops, and more). Tights are not required outside of ballet. Please make sure all dancers wear their hair up and out of their face for classes


Classmate Respect:

Dancers are asked to be respectful to their classmates and the studio. Dancers who have been spoken to more than once during a class may be asked to leave the room and sit out the remainder of class. We ask that all of our dancers please pick up after themselves and be kind to the property around them. Dancers may NOT have food on the dance floor. Water bottles are allowed in the rooms and given hydration breaks throughout class.



BOOM will attend three competitions this year and one national. We will also hold a competition meeting to discuss all further competition information. In order to join the team, you have to participate in tryouts held in August. You will receive a competition pack of information, costume payment schedule and required acceptance of rules and requirements that will need to be signed and returned.


You will receive a recital pack of information, costume payment schedule and required acceptance of rules and requirements that will need to be signed and returned. If your child does NOT plan on participating in the end of year recital you will need to notify the studio by the end of September. All of the competition team is required to be in the recital.



Many photos will be taken at the studio and other events such as competitions, recitals, open house, and more. After signing our policies agreement, you give permission for us to use the photos on our studio website, Instagram, and Facebook page. You also agree that you are not entitled to payment/royalties for these photos.


Medical Release

In the event of an emergency, if the emergency contacts that have been listed for my child cannot be reached, I hereby grant Boom Dance Complex LLC. staff, authority to arrange for transport for my child to the nearest medical care facility, and authority to authorize emergency treatment as deemed necessary in the sole discretion of the Boom Dance Complex LLC. Staff. I further hereby grant permission to medical professionals, physicians and surgeons, EMT’s first aid stations, and medical clinics to provide clinical or x-ray treatment that any physician, his/her assistants or medical, clinical or hospital personal deem in their judgment to be necessary. I have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will in exchange for the privilege of participation.

Risk and waiver of Liability

I/We realize that participation in dance classes and studio activities involve some possible personal injury, despite precautions and accidents, injuries may occur. By signing below, I/We (the student and parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces used by Boom Dance Complex LLC. In addition, I/We agree to hold harmless Boom Dance Complex LLC and its Director/Faculty, and its facilities used, from any cause of action, claims or demands now and in the future. I/We will not hold Boom Dance Complex LLC. and its facilities used, from any personal injury, personal property damage, theft or loss, which may occur on the premises before, during or after classes/rehearsals/ performances/gatherings.


BOOM Dance Complex

3939 West Rd Plaza, NY-281

Cortland, NY 13045


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Thanks for registering for our 2024-2025 BOOM Dance Season, See you there!

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